Saturday, January 15, 2011

Private Portraits testimonial -- "It was an empowering and loving experience"

I had my first private portrait session with fantastic woman last week and this is what she had to say about the experience.

A passionate lover of art,, I have often marveled at how an artist can sit with a model and capture that particular moment in time: the emotion of it, the depth of it. Recently I noticed Renee Laprise of MUSEartspace, was offering to do a nude sketch of folks for an out of the ordinary gift idea and with a great deal of courage, I signed up. Now, for you folks that know me, you might be thinking "Oh Cat! You're always up for an adventure! You love trying new things." And you'd be right in assuming that, but I do have a vulnerable side too and I will be 49 this year and I haven't been a size 3 in quite some time. So it did take courage and trust. I trusted Renee to provide an atmosphere of patience, discretion and honour and sensitivity and she did. It was an empowering and loving experience for me. I would highly recommend it to every woman and man who are on a journey's toward love and self acceptance. And bonus! I LOVE IT! Not a bad looking chick for a gal who's almost 50! *g*Catherine Ann


Imagine someone looking upon your body as a piece of art, taking care to record your form in a loving and honest way. When you are having your portrait drawn the relationship between you and the artist is very special. There's vulnerability and trust. And in the end the drawings will act as reminders of the day that you gave yourself permission to love your body if only for 90 mins.

I am offering such an opportunity at MUSEartspace over the coming weeks as a Valentine's day promotion. But I will continue to offer these sessions as I believe they can work to help people accept and even begin to love their bodies.

Anyone coming in for a session can be assured that their privacy will be maintained. MUSE is a safe environment and all the drawings I do will be going home with you. This is a very empowering exercise for anyone to try at least once in their lives. And if you have a partner you can have that person come into the session and try their hand at drawing you. It's not about the drawing, it's about your partner seeing your body in a whole different way.

Give me a shout if you'd like to know more.

FEE - $75 (90min session)
or $125 to have a partner in the session (all materials supplied)